Mystery Blogger Award .

Yeah! I got nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award. My heart is so happy to be nominated! Thank you so much, Leah, for considering my blog for this award.  Leah is a wellness, lifestyle and mental health blogger. Her blogs are really inspiring and very positive. I loved The tagline of her blog – ‘Hoping to encourage, support and Inspire You as I write.’ I always enjoy reading her amazing posts, and you will too! Go and check out her blog here.

Mystery blogger award

What is The Mystery Blogger Award?

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. (Okoto Enigma, Award Creator.)

What To Do:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice.
  9. Share a link to your best post(s).


My answers to the questions given to me by Leah:

  1. If you were home on a rainy Sunday afternoon, what film would you most want to watch? 

   That would make for a perfectly romantic day! I shall definitely watch, P.S I Love You!. It’s such a sweet movie to watch when in a romantic mood.

2. If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you choose to do?             Blogging… Anytime!

3. Name your top 5 favorite foods.

Ahh! That’s an interesting question! I am big…big…Foodie and I crave for sweet, spicy dishes. My top 5 favorite foods – Samosa(Indian appetizer), Cheesecake, Chilli chicken, Masala Dosa and Kheer(Rice pudding)

4. What is the one super-power you wish you could have and what would you do with it?

Honestly, a good sleep for my daughter without her waking up every few hours.. 🤗

5. Do you have a favorite quote? And what is it?

Yes, I do have a few favorite quotes –  ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’, ‘A guilty mind is always suspicious’.

Three Things About Me:

I love cooking and enjoy trying new recipes.

I am a people person but sometimes I do get irritated by self-obsessed, negative vibe kinda people.

I cannot watch horror movies at all. I get really scared!  Even movies with violent scenes are a big NO for my taste.

My Nominees Are: It’s so hard to choose! I wish I could just pick everyone!


  1. Sadia @
  2. Kayla @
  3. Hardip @
  5. Gina Melegrito @
  6. Rohit Sahu @
  7. Ravindra Nayak @
  8. Grace @
  9. Shaun Jones @
  10. Daneelyunus @


* I wanted to nominate few more of my favorite bloggers, whose posts are just amazing but they already have done these awards so many times and also are doing great with a good amount of followers. So, there was no point in nominating them.

Five Questions for my Nominees are:

1) What made you want to start blogging?

2) What is your favorite hobby/pass time?

3) What is one goal you hope to accomplish this year?

4) What is your all-time favorite food?

5) Funniest movie/s you ever saw?

My Top Five Blog Posts:

  1. Living a happy and peaceful life.
  2. Being comfortable and confident in what you wear if fashion.
  3. Everyday simple and easy healthy habits.
  4. Basic skincare routine for healthy skin
  5. My favorite destinations in California.


To my nominees, I can’t wait to read your answers! Thank you again, Leah, for nominating me!

I hope everyone has a blessed day!

Stay positive, and Stay healthy!

Thanks for reading! 🙂



44 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award .

  1. I was just scrolling down readers all way down and i got this.. Good to know about you..
    Liked your 4th answer the power… and the film PS i love you i love it..

    1. Yeaahhh… we have a few of similar taste… every time I have watched PS I love you, i have cried! Thanks for visiting my blog..😊😊😊

  2. I always love reading blogger awards! They are so helpful for us bloggers in retaining our inspiration and motivation. Thank you so much for nominating me!!! Can’t wait to get started!

  3. P.S I Love You is a good choice of film! I have t seen that in a long time. I love Samosas, Cheesecake, Chilli chicken, and Kheer but I need to try Masala Dosa!
    Really enjoy d reading your answers – well deserved nomination.

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